Saturday, November 1, 2008

Saturday, September 20, 2008

4 months

Wow, I can't believe it has been so long since I have put anything on here. Time is flying by and Emma continues to amaze us. She is 12 lbs 13oz now and just last weekend started putting everything in her mouth. She is very interested in what I or dad am eating or drinking. Thursday she figured out that she can roll over from her back to her stomach. I was cooking dinner and she was in the living room playing on the floor. She was talking and having a good time. When I looked at her she was on her stomach with her arms under her holding her up and she had a big grin on her face. I could tell she was so proud of herself for rolling over! Now anytime we put her on her back she rolls right over. She also started sleeping in her big girl crib. The first night she went right to sleep. I was so shocked. I think it has been a harder adjustment for me than for her.

Back in August we had Emma's baptism. Grandpa and Grandma from New Jersey and Aunt Lauren and Uncle Steve came in town and got to meet Emma. They were all so happy to finally meet her and love her so much.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Getting big!

Emma and I had our first road trip to Kansas City for the 4th of July. She did very well in the car and we only had to stop twice to eat. She got to meet lots of new friends in KC and loved seeing her uncle Jonathan and Aunt Alecia. Emma has figured out how to roll from her stomach to her back! She is getting so big so fast.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Sunday, June 22, 2008

1 month old

I can't believe over a month has passed. It has gone by so fast. Emma continues to grow like a weed. She is going to be a tall girl. She is doing well, eating about every 2 hours during the day and goes 3-4 hours at night. We are trying to learn to take a nap in the pack n play instead of in the swing, but it is a slow process. I guess as long as she naps...

Monday, June 2, 2008

Sunday, June 1, 2008

2 weeks old

Emma is 2 weeks old today! We are still working on getting adjusted here. Emma is now in charge of our schedules and lets us know when we can eat, sleep, etc. She had her first stroller ride this past week and slept right thru it. She got to meet her great grandma yesterday and did wonderful on the car ride and while visiting. I was so proud of her. She also got to meet uncle Jonathan and aunt Alecia who came in from KC to meet her.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

We're home!

Wow! I can hardly believe it. We are home with our beautiful baby girl! We have been waiting so long and now the time has finally arrived. Now we are all getting adjusted to life with a new baby. It has been an awesome couple days. Emma was a little jaundiced (yellow), so we had a bililight that she had to wear around her. We had blood drawn wed am and thurs am to check her levels. Thursdays level came back good, so we got to take the light off and we go to the doctor in the am to have her weight checked and so they can make sure she looks ok.
It has been a major adjustment for Kramer (the dog). He still isn't sure what to think of this little person we have brought home. He is very interested in her, but when we first brought her home and she would cry he would bark. What a noisy house we had! He doesn't bark too much anymore when she cries, but if she makes any noise he goes over and checks things out. He will still whimper if she is making noise, but he is getting better.
Well, she just ate and is sleeping, so that's my sign to go get a little sleep until she wakes up again in a couple hours...

Monday, May 19, 2008

Happy Birthday Emma!!

At 9:38 am on Sunday May 18, 2008 Heather and I were blessed with our little angel. Finally! She weighed 7.1 pounds and was 20.5 inches long. Both Mom and the baby are doing really well. Emma came to us with a wonderful set of pipes screaming her little heart out and we have something to look forward to for a very long time. Emma is expected to come home on Tuesday for her first encounter with Kramer. This ought to be interesting to see how the dog will deal with the new queen of the castle. Will post again later tonight as I'm off to see the girls at the hospital.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Almost here

Well, I went to the doctor today. Since I was due monday and still nothing is really going on I'm going to be induced on sat am at 9:00. We are both very excited, but I am a little nervous too. It's great to know that sometime this weekend we will have a baby here with us! Be sure to keep watching for pictures after she is born. We will get them up and posted as soon as possible so everyone can ohh and ahh...

Thursday, May 8, 2008


Well, I went to the doctor today. Not much happening. I'm dilated to 1, so she is clearly not in a hurry to join us. I guess she is nice and warm and comfortable where she is. I have another doctors appointment next week, but we are hoping that we don't make it that long. Everything else looks good. Her heart rate is in the 140's, my blood pressure is good, I'm not uncomfortable and I'm still able to do most anything I want, so we will wait and see.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Well, we went for our ultrasound today and everything looks good. The placenta moved out of the way, so no c section is needed (at least not planned). We are very excited about that. Emma is still a girl (I was afraid to wash too many clothes until I saw again for sure, just in case)! She, in her usual style, rolled away from the girl doing the ultrasound a couple times. We got to see her looking at us moving her mouth and grabbing her feet with her hands. I guess she is having a good time in there... We have a couple pictures, but they aren't very clear and because she is bigger and has her head down we weren't able to get a side profile. They measured her to weigh 6lbs 4oz which is pretty much on track. Now, I guess we just continue to get things ready and wait for her to decide she is ready to make her debut.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Emma's room

Well, Emma's room is coming right along, so we have posted some pictures of it. There is still some work to be done, but we are feeling much better about our progress. We have an ultrasound tomorrow and are so excited to see our little girl again and find out how big she is, etc. Hopefully we will be given pictures again and we will post them. We will give you the update as soon as we can. Congratulations to Aunt Lauren and Uncle Steve who got married this weekend in NJ. We have posted some pictures of their beautiful wedding so everyone can see the Edwards side of the family.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Welcome to Emma's blog

We decided to start this blog to keep everyone up to date during these last few weeks before Emma is born and to see her grow and change after she is here with us. With just over 4 weeks to go until Emma's due date we are so excited to almost have our baby girl here with us! It's been amazing to watch her grow (or at least my stomach!) and to be able to feel her kicking and moving. She already has a personality of her own and can be stubborn at times, so I'm sure we are in for the time of our lives...